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So this weekend has been pretty laid back. I've been fiddling with ads some more, trying to see if I could set up something for a short video ad, and I've been looking at custom vehicles. So instead of showing an incomplete ad, I'm gonna talk about what sort of vehicles you can create with Multiversal. Specifically, I have been working on customized Mechs for use with the Felnian setting. So each of the Vehicles will need 4 things. First, they need adjusted STATs. This is fairly simple, as it is generated using vehicle archetypes from the core rulebook. The important STATs in this situation are MAN, COM, and ST.I. Second, each custom vehicle needs to have a selection of equipment upgrades. These upgrades work just like those for Character equipment in that they can affect what the vehicles are capable of both in and out of combat. The most imporatnt peices of equipment, of course, are defensive and offensive upgrades, but this would also include upgrades such as the ability to carry other vehicles or people, evading detection, and more. Third, vehicles need their derived values. These are the vehicles' SOAK and Hit values. These are location specific, just as with characters, but unlike with characters they cannot be changed as easily. Finally, any modifiers. Some vehicles will have bonuses or penalties for certain actions or Skills. These are important and will be listed in the Vehicle Profile. Now, while I have specifically been looking at vehicles for one particular campaign at this point, these aspects will hold true for any custom vehicle, for any campaign setting.

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